Numberdar Salary in Haryana: 2024

Understanding a Numberdar’s salary structure in Haryana is crucial for anyone considering this vital village-level role. This comprehensive guide explores everything you need to know about a Numberdar’s pay in 2024, including factors influencing their income, potential benefits, and the latest updates on government policies.

What is a Numberdar?

A Numberdar, also known as a Mukhiya or Gram Pradhan, plays a significant role in the rural administrative system of Haryana. They act as a bridge between villagers and the government, performing various duties like:

  • Maintaining land records
  • Overseeing village development projects
  • Resolving minor disputes within the community
  • Assisting law enforcement agencies

Factors Affecting a Numberdar’s Salary in Haryana

Unlike fixed-salary government jobs, a Numberdar’s income can vary depending on several factors:

1. Government Policies: The Haryana government periodically revises salaries and allowances for Numberdars. The most recent announcement regarding salary increase came in August 2023, with village chowkidars (watchmen) receiving a raise to ₹11,000 per month, effective October 1, 2023. While there hasn’t been a specific announcement for Numberdars yet in 2024, future policy changes could impact their earnings.

2. Work Location: Numberdars working in urban areas might receive a higher salary compared to their rural counterparts. This is because urban areas often have more workload and require handling a larger population.

3. Experience: In some cases, Numberdars with extensive experience may be eligible for additional allowances or incentives.

4. Additional Responsibilities: Numberdars entrusted with managing specific government schemes or projects might receive remuneration based on their performance.

Current Numberdar Salary Structure in Haryana (Estimates)

It’s important to remember that there’s no official confirmation on a fixed salary for Numberdars in Haryana. However, based on news reports and information available online, their estimated monthly income can range from ₹1,500 to ₹3,000.

Potential Benefits for Numberdars

Along with their base salary, Numberdars might be entitled to additional benefits depending on government policies and their specific location. These benefits could include:

  • Mobile phone allowance: The Haryana government previously provided ₹7,000 for mobile phones to assist Numberdars in their duties.
  • Ayushman Bharat Yojana coverage: News reports suggest discussions are underway to extend healthcare benefits under this scheme to Numberdars.

Future of Numberdar Salaries in Haryana

The Haryana government acknowledges the crucial role Numberdars play in village administration. News articles indicate that proposals for increasing their remuneration are under consideration.

Final Remarks

While the exact salary structure for Numberdars in Haryana remains unconfirmed as of July 2024, it’s evident that the government recognizes their importance. Considering the recent raise for village chowkidars, a potential increase for Numberdars in the near future wouldn’t be surprising.


  • Is there a fixed salary for Numberdars in Haryana?

No, there’s currently no official confirmation on a fixed salary for Numberdars. Their income can vary based on location, experience, and government policies.

  • What is the estimated salary range for Numberdars in Haryana?

Based on available information, their estimated monthly income can range from ₹1,500 to ₹3,000, though this is not an official figure.

  • Do Numberdars receive any benefits?

Numberdars might be entitled to benefits like a mobile phone allowance and potentially healthcare coverage under Ayushman Bharat Yojana, subject to government policies.

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